Black holes are among the most mysterious objects in space. Hardly a science-fiction film can do without one. Black holes actually do hold a secret. Although they cannot be directly discerned, the intensity of their gravity is legendary. Initial theories regarding black holes were developed by the German astronomer Karl Schwarzschild in 1916. They were based on Einstein's theory of relativity, which concerns the structure of space and time. A black hole occurs at the end of the life span of an extremely massive star. Its diameter is drastically reduced by the huge density of its matter. This creates a gravitational_pull, which is so strong that it practically swallows everything in its vicinity. Nothing can escape, not even light or other forms of energy. After the transformation into a black hole, the process of shrinking continues to the point of what is referred to as a singularity. As black holes are invisible, we have only indirect evidence for their existence. The immense gravitational pull influences the matter near the black hole Before it is swallowed, it forms a disc called the accretion disc. Matter is heated to extremely high temperatures by the friction of deceleration, generating a measurable emission of X-ray radiation. It is highly probable that there is such a black hole of immense gravity at the center of our Milky_Way.